Thursday, May 7, 2009

World War 1, Political Cartoon

Sorry it is so small, it wont enlarge.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Britain in the War

Britain entered World War I because of Germany’s invasion of Belgium. It was in Britain’s best interest to engage itself in battle. They had large numbers and good armies, in 1914 alone half a million people enlisted in to the military. Recruitment later fell drastically as the years went on, which may have ultimately lead to their downfall. Recruitment especially dropped after the Battle of the Somme, which resulted in over 50,000 casualties. Because of this battle they began drafting single men in 1916, and by the end of the year they were drafting all men between the ages of 18 and 42.


World War One, consisted of two stages: conventional warfare that lasted from 1914 to 1916 and a war of desperate expedients, when both sides struggled for their own existence were lasting until the end. The two sides of the war consisted of the Allied Powers France, Great Britain, Russia, the United States, and other smaller counties and the Central Powers. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey/Ottoman Empire, along with other smaller country support.

Though Germany turned out to be the Central Power most involved in the war, there is little or no evidence that the Germans had planned for war. There are several fundamntal causes that had brought the world to the brink of war: nationalism, imperialist competition, militarism, and the buildup of pre-war alliances. These growing appearances of these factors perhaps led to what was called the Great War, World War One. It began participation with the conflict after the declaration of war against Serbia by its ally, Austria-Hungarian. German forces the Allies on both the eastern and western fronts, although German territory itself remained relatively safe from widespread invasion for most of the war.


Many things had been beginning to pile up but there is one event that stood out. This is the event that started the beginning of the war. An archduke by the name of Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. Ferdinand’s death was at the hand of Serbian secret society. Austria-Hungary's reaction to the death of their heir was three weeks in coming.  Arguing that the Serbian government was implicated in the machinations of the Black Hand, the Austro-Hungarians opted to take the opportunity to stamp its authority upon the Serbians, crushing the nationalist movement there and cementing Austria-Hungary's influence in the Balkans.

It did so by offering Serbia an ultimatum to Serbia, which, in the extent of its demand that the assassins be brought to justice effectively nullified Serbia's sovereignty. Austria-Hungary's expectation was that Serbia would reject the remarkably severe terms of the ultimatum, thereby giving her a pretext for launching a limited war against Serbia. However, Serbia had long had Slavic ties with Russia, an altogether different proposition for Austria-Hungary.  Whilst not really expecting that Russia would be drawn into the dispute to any great extent other than through words of diplomatic protest, the Austro-Hungarian government sought assurances from her ally, Germany, that she would come to her aid should the unthinkable happen and Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary.

America and WW1

America entered World War One in April of 1917. America up till that date tried its best to stay out of the war. But unrestricted submarine warfare, introduced by the Germans in January of 1917 was the main issue that caused Woodrow Wilson to ask congress to declare war against the Germans. This happened on April second, and two days later the Americans joined The Great War and took part on the allies side.
Before America took part in World War One, at first Woodrow did not feel threatened by the European War. As long as America could still trade among the other countries, everything in his eyes was considered okay. In August of 1914, Woodrow officially announced that America was remaining neutral in The Great War. America was supplying both sides with money and continuing to trade with all of the other countries. But one time over seas when trying to trade with Germany, the German coastline made it completely impossible for the Americans to trade with the Germans. The Brittish had a policy of "blockading" Germany which lead to the main reason of Germany introducing unrestricted submarine warfare. The Germans would later blame this on the Brittish concluding that Germany was forced into this action by the Brittish.

Germany using U-boats pushed America into a corner which ultimately declared the war against them. Woodrow warned Germany that if any American ships were sunk that he would hold them accountable. In the end the German government promised to pay the Americans back if any ships were sunken, including their cargo aboard. America decided to send someone to London to try to create a peace treaty between the US, Germany and Great Britain. After it was signed in February of 1916 Woodrow found out that an American ship the "sussex" was sunk and he was told only two Americans were injured. He later found out that they had been killed, but eventually it was resolved and the Americans seemed to have come at peace with the Germans.

Britain on the other hand decided to rebel against the peace treaty that the Americans had created. Thus, they had been stopping more and more boats from Germany and this upset the Irish-American community. Everyone started to feel like Britain did not want peace at all.

Woodrow in the end sent out a question to both sides asking what it would take for them to end the war. France and Britain replied saying that their wishes could only be fulfilled with a military victory. Germany's reply was very unclear with what they stated, and the Americans did not know what the Germans final answer was toward their question. Over time Woodrow still tried to gain peace with all the countries and later he set up secret negotiations with Germany and Britain to reamain in agreement in reguards to his peace treaty.

How did Russia enter the war?

Although Russia wasn't supposed to be in the war, she nevertheless became involved and eventually played a major role as one of the four big imperial powers. The war was originally supposed to be limited to two countries: Austria-Hungary and Serbia. How did Russia become involved?
The simple truth is that Russia was obligated to join the war because of various alliances and other clauses from other alliances. In 1873, Russia was tied to Germany and Austria-Hungary because of signing into the Three Emperors League. However, Russia pulled out of that alliance five years later. But Russia's withdrawal created a new Dual Alliance with Bismarck and Austria-Hungary. This Dual Alliance promised those two allies aid in the event of an attack by Russia, or in the event of an attack made by a country in which Russia was allies with. This alliance was upheld until the war finally broke out.
Because Austria-Hungary was being attacked by Serbia, and Serbia was being aided by Russia, Austria-Hungary called on Germany for protection against Russia.

Tangle of Alliances

WWI is extremely confusing. There are so many treaties and agreements and then stipulations from prior agreements on top of that as well. Europe is an extremely dynamic and highly confusing region in the years leading up to the first World War.
First, to understand where the alliances lie, you need to start from the beginning of it all. Even though the war officially started in 1914, the stage was being set much earlier before that. Serbia and Russian's interests in supporting the slavics greatly conflicted with Austria-Hungary full support of Germany. This conflict was compounded by the 1872 Emperor's League between Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary. Old ties to this treaty put a great deal of pressure on Russia. this is just a small portion of alliances when compared with the greater scope of the political issues.
These are the watered down, cold hard facts of the alliances of the war:
First, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Then, as Russia was bound by treaty to Serbia, activated troops for Serbia's defense. Germany then declared war on Russia because Russia's activity was seen as an act of war. Although franc was treaty-bound only to Russia, they too found themselves at war with germany, and coincidentally with Austria-Hungary as well. Then Britain was obligated to enter the war because of an alliance with france, but was also obligated to defend belgium because of the terms laid out in a 75 year treaty. Because of a military agreement with Britain, Japan entered the war as well. Italy tried to stay out of the war for as long as possible, but by 1915, she sided with the allies.
It is easy to see how complicated this war became. What was intended as a limited war only between two countries turned into a massive world war. Treaties made generations before this took place were used as guidelines as to which alliances to make and ignore.

Extra Photo for the three Total


On 28 June 1914, at approximately 1:15 pm, Franz Ferdinand and his wife were killed in Sarajevo, by Gavrillo Princip who was only 19 at the time and a member of Young Bosnia and he was one of a group of assassins organized by The Black Hand. The event, known as the Assassination in Sarajevo, led to a chain of events that eventually triggered the first world war. Ferdinand and Sophie had previously been attacked when a grenade was thrown at their car, Ferdinand deflected the grenade and it detonated far behind them. The royal couple insisted on seeing all those injured at the hospital. After traveling there, Franz and Sophie decided to go to the palace, but Franz Ferdinand's car took a wrong turn onto a side street where Princip spotted them. As their car was backing up, Princip approached and shot both Sophie, striking her in the abdomen, and Franz, who was struck in the jugular and was still alive when witnesses arrived to help. His last words to Sophie were 'Don't die darling, think of the children.' Princip had used a pocket-sized pistol. The archduke's aides attempted to undo his coat when they realized they needed scissors to cut the coat open, but it was too late; he died within minutes. Sophie also died while on route to the hospital. The assassinations contributed to the beginning of World War I, which began less than two months after Franz Ferdinand's death, with Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia

Allied Powers

In world War 1 there were three main Allied powers that intered the War in 1914. These countries were: France, Russia, and The United Kingdom. The reason they intered the war was because of the fact that they all had a Triple Entente allience. This is why the allied powers were also considered the Entente powers. Other countributers to the allies were: Canada, Italy, Australia, Japan, and the United States of America. There were many other countries that decided to join the war lateer and some countries even declared war without even having a military to back their actions up. The reason why the United States entered the war was because they stated that "Germany violated American neutrality by attacking international shipping". All in all the allies had around 42,243,214 mobilized troops and about 18,000,000 casualties. That menas that they had around 44% of their troops that were also casualties.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Central Powers During WWI

The Central Powers of World War One consisted of Germany and Austria-Hungary. Later on in 1914 Ottoman Empire joined the alliance. And approximately one year later Bulgaria joined the Central Powers as well. Austria-Hungary was the first to go to war on July 28, 1914 declaring war against Serbia.

The “Central Powers” got its name because of the location the countries were in. The result of the four nations coming together, was because, Germany could not gain full power on “The World Stage”. The German’s were focusing on an alliance which was called “Mitteleuropa” this meant Central Europe. The Balkans originally was desired to be involved in the Central Power alliance. But they formed separate autonomous states. The only one involved in the alliance was Ottoman Empire. Even though they had many members in the alliance, Italy dropped out because of a better offer from London which provided them with more land. In the end, the Central Powers lost the war.


World War One, consisted of two stages: conventional warfare that lasted from 1914 to 1916 and a war of desperate expedients, when both sides struggled for their own existence were lasting until the end. The two sides of the war consisted of the Allied Powers France, Great Britain, Russia, the United States, and other smaller counties and the Central Powers. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey/Ottoman Empire, along with other smaller country support.

Though Germany turned out to be the Central Power most involved in the war, there is little or no evidence that the Germans had planned for war. There are several fundamntal causes that had brought the world to the brink of war: nationalism, imperialist competition, militarism, and the buildup of pre-war alliances. These growing appearances of these factors perhaps led to what was called the Great War, World War One. It began participation with the conflict after the declaration of war against Serbia by its ally, Austria-Hungarian. German forces the Allies on both the eastern and western fronts, although German territory itself remained relatively safe from widespread invasion for most of the war.



Thursday, April 30, 2009